Falls creek trip

Falls Creek

Hey everyone! 


Just a quick one to let tell you how our Falls Creek trip went!  Wow what a place!  If you haven't had the chance to check out the ski resorts in Victoria yet, then you must put Falls Creek high on your list!  This place has so much variety and if you don't mind taking a photo or two, this place is a playground!!


The minute we arrived, the snow started falling and we thought we were in for a white trip. Unfortunately it only lasted an hour or so, so we set off to find a campsite. There was literally no one around so we were able to choose any site we liked and ended up with a great one so close to where we wanted to shoot.


Arrived at the top

Next we headed to the huts - the main reason for this trip and we weren't disappointed.  The cloud and fog was rolling in and out which created great templates for different types of mood and light.  Here's a image from Cope Hut - the first of the two huts we visited and a showcase of the beatiful soft light we experienced.

Cope Hut

After a great session at the two huts, we decided it was best to head up to Mt McKay as sunset was greatly closing in - and lucky we did as the light and colours were quickly fading!  Nonetheless, we battered the cold and high winds and got some great images over the valley with the fast swirling clouds coming in.

Sunset at Mt McKay

After sunset it was time to head back to camp and get some warm food into us. With snow predicted to fall overnight, we planned on getting up early and head back to the huts with the fingers crossed for a white backdrop.  


And just like that, our wish was granted.  As we crawled out of our tents, we were greeted with a beautiful thin layer of snow over everything we could see.

We quickly took a few shots of ours cars and campsite and headed straight back to the huts for an early morning and very cold shoot.


Cold, white campsite - perfect!

Our shoot at the huts were fantastic!  Everywhere we looked there was something different to compose and shoot.  We were even saying that the huts began to become a distraction as the surrounding, twisted snow gums we equally as impressive and were deserving of some images on their own.


Capturing the twisted snow gums with the snow-kissed Wallace Hut

We ended our shoot where we started - at Cope Hut and spent half the time crawling through the trees and trying different angles.  I literally have so many images from this shoot so it'll take me a while to go through and edit them all.


On the way out we thought it'd be rude to not stop for 10mins and see if we could catch a trout in the lake - we didn't.  But it did start snowing again, and quite heavily too!  The perfect way to end what was the perfect trip!



Thanks again everyone for all your support recently!  If you enjoy these types of blogs, please feel free to let me know as it definitely helps knowing what type of content to provide in the future.


Til next time,




Time for an update!