Time for an update!

Time for an update!

A few things have been happening in the background lately so I thought I'd give a little status update on what's been going on.


First of all...  you would've received a scammy email from me yesterday.  

You can relax - it wasn't a scam.  I was trying a new email service and that was the welcoming template.  I just hit send without thinking how it would come across... oops! šŸ˜¬


The idea atm for me is to send more emails. The emails wont be just trying to sell stuff but also little updates on what I'm doing and where I'm going and maybe some tips and other useful information along they way.  I'll do my best to keep them interesting and not to spammy but by all means call me out if that's how they come across.


New Trips!

With winter just around the corner, and winter in my opinion being the best time for landscape photography, you can guarantee I'm excited about a few upcoming trips!  First off is Falls Creek where some of the best looking cattleman's huts in Australia are found. Nestled away in the beautiful twisted snow gums, I have been wanting to photograph this area for an long time and am pretty excited about this one!

Stay tuned for how it goes!


New Workshops!

This is also a good opportunity to mention that I have started creating an online one-on-one photo editing workshop.  If you find that youtube tutorials are good but not always relevant to your own photo and just wished you could get help on that particular image of yours - then this workshop will be perfect for you.

More to come...


New Brand!

This is another great opportunity to mention that I have been working on a new brand for Outdoor Apparel and Accessories.  It's very early days yet but I have my first set of Photography Gloves on their way and hopefully will be available for presale within a few weeks.  Be sure to follow my Instagram page for all the latest:



Now with that out of the way, let's go to selling stuff! haha


New Prices!

Now I didn't want this email to be just about selling but I must tell you that I have finally come across another printer that offers the same level of high quality prints but at almost half the price!  This allows me to drastically drop my prices and still maintain my free shipping service!  Check them out here.



Ok framing isn't quite availbe on the site yet, but it will be in the near future!  If however you can't wait and would like a quote on a framed print, please feel free to email me and I promise to look after you with the best possible price! 



That's all for now but hopefully I can keep up with these updates.  

Until then, I would just like to say thanks for your continued support and please feel free to reach out through my socials with any questions you may have!


Muchas gracias!


Falls creek trip


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