Welcome to my blog

Hey guys! for those that don’t know me, my name is mark and i’m a landscape photographer from Melbourne, australia.

first of all, i’d like to say welcome to my page/blog/website! i really appreciate you taking the time to be here and hopefully in the future we can create a solid relationship together. i’m a firm believer that we’re all here to help each other and i truly hope this blog can help you learn a bit about me, my photography and the adventures i go on.

where my photography passion began

i started my fascination with photography as a young teenager (which i go into more detail on my website), but my real passion began when i moved to Melbourne from Adelaide about 4 years ago. i think that not knowing anyone here in melbourne initially is what pushed me to follow this passion, as it gave me something to do and the perfect excuse to explore Melbourne and it’s surrounding areas. i’ll be honest, i was terrified when i first started. i felt so out of my skin walking around in public areas with a camera and tripod in hand. i would try and avoid people at all costs and always had thoughts in my head of what others would think? it sounds crazy now as i write this, but it definitely took a bit of time to work through. I’m so glad i did work through it though, as it has definitely been one of the most empowering feats i have accomplished in my life. not only for my photography but also for my confidence and the realisation of being able to do anything i want in life if i push through it.

who I am

having grown up in a small country town on the Murray river, camping and the outdoors has always been a major part of my life. we honestly would find any excuse to go to the river, light a fire and throw a line in. some of my best memories are from there and will stay with me forever. I strongly believe this has been a big part of my photography journey too. being outdoors is a huge part of my life and I often relate photography to fishing. catching a fish was always just a bonus and the same goes for landscape photography - being outdoors is what it’s all about and getting a great shot is just a bonus!

other passions of mine include music and playing the guitar (i’m a big rock fan!), four-wheel driving, and being around friends and family as much as possible.

so what is this blog about?

glad you asked! I’m obviously very new at this blogging thing so I thought I’d introduce myself first and then take the opportunity to let you know what I have installed for you over the coming weeks and months. firstly, I’ve just created this website to help share my work with you all and hopefully can create some memories along the way. I’m super grateful for all the support and sales I’ve received so far! It’s actually been overwhelming and I cannot thank all of you enough.

I have some big plans for this blog where I can share with you my experiences as a landscape photographer, talk about destinations and camping trips I go on, give you some tips on how I create my photos, go through the gear I use, and basically talk all things photography from all the highs of getting that portfolio piece to all the lows like struggling with motivation and not getting the results I was hoping for. I plan on being brutally honest with it all and won’t be sugar-coating anything - what I see is what you’ll get. I’ll also discuss how I’ve started this business, the tools and resources I’ve used along the way, and the struggles I’ve overcome to hopefully help and motivate you to start or excel in your own business ventures.

My landscape photography Business

Initially, my landscape photography business will be based around print sales. I personally think print sales are the best way a photographer can relate with the viewers as the images may contain locations where the viewer has fond memories from and brings back that sense of nostalgia to their home. Also photography prints can bring bring that burst of colour or emotion to a room. a place where people can stop in their tracks and visualise what the story of the image is being told.

even though I have started with only prints, I won’t be stopping there. Other plans I have is creating an e-book to help everyday people take better photographs, online courses and downloads to help improve your photography skills and other consumables like calendars, jigsaw puzzles and various other photography related items. I also will be running loots of competitions and giveaways so the best way to keep in touch with all the latest news will be to sign up for my email. Each sign up comes with a 20% offer on their first purchase just to say thank you and welcome to my journey.

speaking of calendars, I’ve just released my new 2023 calendar which is available on my website. If you’re looking for a calendar next year, please check this one out! It’s has some of my favourite images of the past couple of years and even if I do say so myself, it’s come out better than I could’ve asked for! plus once the year is over, you can even cut out the high quality images and frame them to keep forever!

Last of all

If you’ve made it this far, firstly thank you! It will be a bit of trial and error this blog but I would really appreciate any feedback you may have? Plus if there are certain topics and areas you would like me to discuss in future posts, please leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer each and every one of them! Also, I’d really appreciate it if you could have a look at my website (i’ll leave a link below) any leave any feedback you may have here in the comments. Good or bad - it’s all useful and it will really help me understand what you guys want to hear about and deliver the best content possible in the future! We’re all in this together after all!

Kind regards,



Time for an update!